Python Programming

Python is the most used language in top companies such as Intel, IBM, NASA, Pixar, Netflix, Facebook, JP Morgan Chase, Spotify, and many more because of its performance and its powerful libraries. To get into these companies and organizations as a Python developer, you need to master some important Python Interview Questions to crack their Python Online Assessment Round and Python Interview Round. We have prepared a list of the Top 50 Python Interview Questions along with their answers to ace in interviews.

1. What is Python? List some popular applications of Python in the world of technology.

Python is a widely-used general-purpose, high-level programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum in 1991 and further developed by the Python Software Foundation. It was designed with an emphasis on code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express their concepts in fewer lines of code.
It is used for:

2. Can you differentiate between a List and a Tuple?

Lists and tuples are Python data structures. The list is dynamic and whereas the tuple has static characteristics. They both have various advantages and use cases. 


The list is the mutable data type, consumes more memory, and it is better for element insertion and deletion. Furthermore, it has several building functions, and the implication of iterations is slower compared to Tuple.  


a_list = ["Data", "Camp", "Tutorial"]


The Tuple is an immutable data type, and it is generally used for accessing the elements. It is faster and consumes less memory, but it lacks built-in methods. 


a_tuple = ("Data", "Camp", "Tutorial")

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